IN VENICE is a series of three short portraits that follows the lives of Myriah, Terrell and Solayman. Their individual stories are tied together by their mutual deep connection to Venice Beach. A unique and colorful place that serves as a creative space and emotional outlet for many.
Myriah is a skateboarder and artist from Louisiana. She lives in her van in Venice Beach and spends most of her time at the skate park, where she encourages other girls and women to skate. She is a founding member of the skate collective GRLSWIRL.
IN VENICE is a trilogy of short intimate portraits that give us a little glimpse into their lives and and highlights the importance of belonging and community in the often lonely world we live in.
Directed + produced by: Sarah Niemann + Svenja Albers
Cinematography: Ryan Murphy
Edit: Moritz Dreifke
Color: Sönke Heuer
Sound: Enrico Wachtel